Essential Oil vs Fragrance Oil

Fragrance Oil: Unveiling the Truth

1. Artificial Aura: Fragrance oils mimic scents using synthetic formulas.

2. Hidden Harm: They often contain harmful chemicals like phthalates and parabens, raising concerns about potential health issues.

3. Compassion Concerns: Cruelty-free status is often absent in the making of fragrance oils.

Essential Oil: Nature's Essence Unleashed

1. Plant-Powered Symphony: Essential oils are pure extracts from plants, capturing nature's aromatic symphony.

2. Purity Unleashed: 100% pure and natural, each essential oil is a botanical masterpiece.

3. Aromatherapy Allies: Infused
with natural aromatherapeutic properties, essential oils offer holistic
benefits—improving sleep, mood, relieving stress, and promoting